The Learning Forward publication, Professional Development in the Learning Profession (2009; technical report 2010) makes a strong research-based case for establishing multi-faceted, embedded professional development as the best means to increase student learning. The Introduction to Project CRISS workshop creates a firm foundation, providing consistent language, a pedagogical philosophy through the CRISS Frameworks for Teaching and Learning, and a toolbox of high impact strategies. With the foundation in place, it is important to continue your Project CRISS initiative with strategic support tailored to the needs of your students and staff.

Sustaining Local Implementation (SLI) Workshop

The SLI workshop focuses on what happens after the staff is introduced to Project CRISS and the CRISS Trainer goes home.

The SLI is a two-day, 12-hour workshop with an optional third day for attendees who need a CRISS Intro refresher (or an update to the latest edition of the training). With the CRISS National/Master Trainer*, participants examine current implementation levels, goals, and resource materials; plan implementation, and design activities to encourage deepening understanding and use of the CRISS Frameworks for Teaching and Learning.

This workshop is recommended for CRISS District Trainers, administrators, and teacher-leaders who work with their peers to improve teaching and learning at the classroom level. Prerequisites for attendance include participation in an Introduction to Project CRISS (Level I) within the last two years OR participation in a one-day CRISS refresher with the most current edition of the training (4e), experience implementing the CRISS Frameworks with students, and interest/experience teaching adults.

SLI Workshops can be scheduled by individual schools/ districts OR individuals may attend a Regional SLI**. Cost considerations include trainer honorarium and expenses, SLI workshop materials, participant travel (if required), substitute teachers or teacher stipends, and supplies. Contact the CRISS National Office for more information.

*At this time, SLI Workshops are only offered by CRISS National Office staff during summer.

**Interested in hosting a CRISS Regional workshop? Let us know!